This is a print for the upcoming Spokeart "Bad Dads 2" show opening Oct. 30 in San Francisco.
Its a 18x24", 4-color silk screen, edition of 40.
The print is based on the Wes Anderson classic "The Royal Tenenbaums" and is entitled "Needle in the Hay.."
The print explores Richie's struggle as he comes to terms with being true to his feelings, no matter the consequence. The piece explores the parallell between Richie confronting his feelings in personal relations and the liberation of Mordecai.
Later in the film we see an older Mordecai return to Richie. Both Mordecai and Richie, wiser and truer.
As you can see one of the layers is printed in metallic gold. These will be made available in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!